Meyer Brothers Old Fashioned Mix 750ml
Meyer Brothers Old Fashioned Mix 750ml
Meyer Brothers Old Fashioned Mix is a beautiful amber color with aromas of sweet caramel, bright hints of orange twist, and subtle warmth from aromatic bitters. It has a smooth, rich mouth feel with cinnamon and clove. Our mix creates a complex balance of bitter and sweet that will showcase the characters of your favorite alcohol. It’s both comforting and easy to use when creating a classic Wisconsin old fashioned.
Meyer Brothers Old Fashioned Mix works great in so many other drinks. Check out our recipe page to see how it is used in our Brothers Brunch, Meyer Brothers Brandy Old Fashioned Sweet, Meyer Brothers Manhattan, St Nazianz Fizz, Meyer Brother Martini, Meyer Brothers Whiskey Old Fashioned Sour, Northwoods Maple Daquiri, Sconnie Seven-Five, Wisco Flip, and our ice cream drink, the Meyer Brothers Season Greetings.
Also available in 375ml.